Salam alaik.He3...kali ni nak copy paste ja
Tadi masa dok cari bahan untuk assignment terjumpa pasai ni.
So ingt nak share even ramai dah kot yang tau pasai bnda ni=)
Tadi masa dok cari bahan untuk assignment terjumpa pasai ni.
So ingt nak share even ramai dah kot yang tau pasai bnda ni=)
Aku masih dalam mood malas nak update cerita holiday kat uk bru2 ni.
Maybe sebab dok busy dengan keja prosthesis kot.Sebab minggu depan dah nak evaluation day dah.kena tunjuk gigi yang kita susun apa suma kat doc sambil di oral oleh beliau.
Buat bnda alah ni memerlukan kekemasan dan jugak kesabaran=p
Maybe sebab dok busy dengan keja prosthesis kot.Sebab minggu depan dah nak evaluation day dah.kena tunjuk gigi yang kita susun apa suma kat doc sambil di oral oleh beliau.
Buat bnda alah ni memerlukan kekemasan dan jugak kesabaran=p
N now aku agak sedih sebab mak sedara aku cakap,Durham dah ada snow.Sedih kot.
Sebab baru ja minggu lepas aku p sana. Masa aku p x snow agi,just sejuk2 tahap keta boleh freeze ja.ngeh2.
xpa la.xdak rezeki nak men snow la tu.
Padahal orang sana y dok hadapi snow x suka kot sebab bila snow trun byk mslah akan terjadi. Dan x dapat tahan akan kesejukan:)
Aku y x penah nak men snow ni plak terhegeh2 nak men snow.
Biasa la kan,manusia x penah cukup n x pandai nak bersyukur=p(aku ja tu,hmpa x ) nak berceloteh..Ni dia article bout Halitosis
Halitosis or bad breath is the condition when breath has an unpleasant odor. Halitosis is an embarrassing social problem more than it is a dental health problem.
The problem with people who suffer from halitosis is that they don’t know it unless somebody tells them. But others who come close to them certainly know. Cleaning your teeth usually helps but it won’t always stop bad breath
How to understand that you have a bad breath problem
Certain foods, health conditions and habits are among the causes of halitosis. Most people can find a cure for halitosis with proper dental hygiene. If bad breath persists despite good oral hygiene, you have a chronic halitosis problem and you should visit your dentist or doctor to rule out a more serious condition that may be causing your bad breath.
Systemic diseases and dry mouth are the most common causes of chronic halitosis.
Increased attention on diet and oral hygiene can usually be an easy cure for halitosis, but in case of a chronic halitosis problem the required bad breath treatment might be much more difficult.
Sekian =)
whoa...nice lah..artikel ni.
jap, kalau nak pakai braces kan, kalau umur exceed 20 bole lagi eh?
ade org cakap tk leh lebih dr 18 taun.betui ke?
he3.biasa la.copy n paste ja kan
hurm..xdak la..
serasa xdak timbul isu tu pun.
tpi ikut kondisi gigi seseorang la.
my opinion is if someone tu dah tumbuh gigi bongsu(gigi last skali tu),pastu bru buat braces g better.sbb tkut nnti dah buat,then gigi ujg tu tmbh dia gerakkan gigi y lain plak.=p
(teori sndri)
Tapi ramai ja geng2 dentist sini umuq 20 21 bru nak pkai braces =)
hope this helps you. I had awful bad breath and tonsil stones. thank god my only friend told me to check Oraltech Labs advice as it got rid of her bad breath and her post nasal drip. I've been following Oraltech Labs advice for about 4 months now and I feel much better, also at work people are not avoiding me anymore so it seems to have cured my bad breath as well, so good luck. Jenny NY
paah nak snow gak :D
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